

Cílem projektu DELTA (Digitální exkavace skrze učení a školení v archeologii) je navrhnout a vytvořit kurz, který kombinuje fyzický prostor archeologického výzkumu s digitálním prostorem formou online studia. V rámci tohoto kurzu budou studenti archeologie schopni zdokonalovat nejen své dosavadní znalosti a dovednosti, ale především rozvíjet své schopnosti v oblasti digitálních technologií 21. století.

Další informace o cílech projektu naleznete v části Co Děláme

DELTA je nadnárodní projekt financovaný v rámci programu Erasmus+/ KA2 EU (Strategická partnerství pro vysokoškolské vzdělávání). Projekt je koordinován výzkumnou skupinou DAISSy působící na Hellenic Open University.

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Aktuality a události

Přečtěte si další zprávy o projektu DELTA zde

15 července, 2022

Lecture on DELTA course in DIGITARCH summer school, Bologna – Italy

On Monday 11th July 2022, at 10 – 12 CET, Mrs. Panagiota Polymeropoulou, Senior Researcher in the DAISSy Research Group – Hellenic Open University, gave an online lecture on „Digital […]
17 června, 2022

Summer School of the European University CIVIS in the excavation of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Marathon

A two-weeks summer school with the subject “The archaeology of death: training in archaeothanatology for archaeologists” took place between 16 and 27 May 2022 in the excavation of the National […]
17 června, 2022

Press release for the Hybrid Conference of DELTA project

The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) organized successfully the Hybrid International Conference on „Digital Transformation of Archaeology“, in the framework of the DELTA project, on Saturday, […]
17 května, 2022

Summer School “DIGITARCH“ – Apply today!

The University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures in collaboration with the Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia and Modena in Italy
12 května, 2022

Marathon Excavation: the 2022 campaign

After the disruptions caused by the COVID, and 7 months after the successful completion of the DELTA ISP, the excavation of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens at Marathon […]
12 května, 2022

Presentation of the impact of new technologies in the excavation of NKUA at Marathon and the use of DELTA MOOC for teaching and training archaeology students to the King and the Queen of the Belgians (3 May 2022)

In 3 May 2022, an Encounter entitled “Connecting past and future. The impact of New Technologies on Archaeology and Heritage” organized by the Belgian Embassy in Greece and the Wallonia […]
12 května, 2022

Week posters for the 2021-2022 academic year by Post-graduate School of Archaeology, University of Basilicata

12 května, 2022

Opening ceremony of the academic year 2021-2022 of the Post-graduate School of Archaeology

In Matera, Tuesday 10 May 2022 and Thursday 12 May 2022, two days will be dedicated to the inauguration ceremony for the 2021-2022 academic year of the Post-graduate School of […]